Lekcja angielskiego- zajęcia otwarte
Topic: Wild animals - activities for vocabulary revision.
The children sit in a circle. The teacher starts by saying: “I went to the Zoo and I saw a tiger”. The first child continue by repeating what teacher said and adding another item, e.g. “I went to the Zoo and saw a tiger and the monkey”. Each child in turn, adds another item until the list is so long nobody can remember all of it.
The three children stand at the front of the class. They are the wild animals. Teacher and the rest of the class are in a tent in the jungle. Teacher ask one of the children in the tent: “What can you see?” if they say “lion” then the children who are the wild animals act like lions. Teacher and the others in the tent can pretend to be terrified. Then the teacher ask another child who will say a different animal.
Teacher write several words on the board, then get the children to close their eyes and erase one word. Either he/she ask them which word is missing or get them to write it in their notebooks.
“Twenty question”. A child choose a card with animals names. The others have to guess the words by asking questions such as:” Is it big?”, “It is green?” etc. A maximum of twenty questions may be asked before they must guess the words.
Word worms. Teacher draw long “ word worm” on the board with several words joined
in a long line. Let the children separate the words and write them separately in their notebooks.
Sing a song “I am a monkey”. The teacher has pictures of the animal and hold up. The children sing:
I am the monkey, monkey! I live in the trees, live in trees.
I am the monkey, monkey! I live in the trees, live in trees.
I am a bear, a bear! I live in a cave, live in a cave!
I am a bear, a bear! I live in a cave, live in a cave!
I am a snake, a snake! I live in the grass, live in the grass!
I am a snake, a snake! I live in the grass, live in the grass!
I am a tiger, a tiger! I live in the jungle, live in the jungle!
I am a tiger, a tiger! I live in the jungle, live in the jungle! Etc.
I teach in my school ”Playing with English“. It is a subject after regular lesson for children which are eight years old and which want to play and learn English after their lessons. I always use with activities games, because it is very attractive for children. In Portugal I can see new activities which I use in my school. My schoolgirls and schoolboys have good time on my lesson.
Izolda Biniarz - Koszembar